Episode 210

Published on:

15th May 2024

Overcoming the Execution Gap: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Success

#210: Have you ever done this? You know what you should be doing, but you just can't bring yourself to do it?

And then often enough we start blaming ourselves of not being disciplined enough, not productive enough. And even worse- fall into self shaming cycle.

I'm going to raise my hand too, as I've definitely been guilty of this more than once. 😅😅

So why does this happen and how can we prevent this from happening in the future?

As enemy is good at using this opportunity to get us stuck.

But, before I dive into that, I want to welcome you back to the Christian CEO Podcast, where we are changing things up a bit. In the last few months, we've felt led by God to focus on sustainable productivity and success - because as some of you may have experienced for yourselves - hustle culture can be quite toxic for our mental and physical health.

So we will be focusing on how to achieve this TRUE productivity and first up on the agenda, is the execution gap.

The place where our intentions and our actions don’t align. So that even though our to do list is set, we don't get it done or fall behind so heavily due to goals and timelines that are too ambitious or lack of margin planned in for those unexpected last minute things that pop up.

Come join us as we explore how to overcome this execution gap and share with you the 4R framework that can help bring you to a more aligned life.

Important Links & Mentions in this episode:


Remember, YOU Matter! See you in the next episode. 

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About the Podcast

Christian CEO Podcast with Kelly Baader
Empower Emerging Christian Entrepreneurs Into CEOs of Profitable and Impactful Businesses.
" Kelly is the 'professional leader' personified. Her commitment to her clients as well as her focus on getting them the results they strive for is unwavering. Simply put, she was born to coach and lead!"
-Chris Ducker - Founder, Youpreneur.com-

Her Christian CEO Podcast provides today’s most inspiring, actionable, and successful biblical marketing strategies and Life Application by Kelly Baader and her fellow experts. Tune in weekly, so you can be inspired and empowered to earn more, serve more, and give more!

The show includes interviews with well-known experts like Pat Flynn, Chris Ducker, Dan Miller, John Lee Dumas, Nir Eyal, and many more.

For more actionable and result-driven marketing tips, visit https://powerofoneframework.com/masterclass Remember: You Matter!

About your host

Profile picture for Kelly Baader

Kelly Baader

Kelly Baader is born again Christian, she is a child-sexual-abuse survivor turned highest-paid female executive in her former corporate career, then existed out her 1st marriage with deep scars, God saved and redeemed her in 1996.

Since 2004, Kelly started to transfer her offline Sales & Marketing expertise to Digital Marketing field. She also invested in personal leadership growth and received certification from ICF and John C Maxwell Team. She excelled at Sales & Marketing and Leadership training for organizations, also for high achievers who would like to build their personal brand based businesses.

Obeying God's call to publish her personal story to the book - A Little Girl Called Grace, later became Amazon Bestseller in 2012.

Today, Kelly is a Marketing and Business Mentor to Christian Entrepreneurs who are serious to create a profitable and impactful business through her Christain CEO Universityâ„¢, Power Of One Frameworkâ„¢, high-end mastermind groups and VIP consulting service; she is also the host of Christian CEO Podcast, the Premier Business Podcast for Christian Entrepreneurs.